Thursday, June 2, 2011

Like a Brother - Chapter 8

Dear Min Lee,

I’ll be going to the theme park with Jonghyun tomorrow. I took care of him when he was sick, so he wanted to bring me there as thanks. If there’s a chance, I wanted to introduce each of the SHINee members to you in person. Hope you’ll have fun during your holidays.


Jin Woo Hyung

Jin Woo
Jonghyun promised to bring me to the theme park today. So I got up early to prepare everything when someone rang the doorbell. I went to have a look and found Jonghyun on my doorstep.
“Morning…” I smiled at him.
“Morning Jin Woo hyung.” He greeted me.
“Can you prepare breakfast for me? I’m too lazy to cook.” He asked. Well…That’s really straight to the point.
“You need to learn to cook for yourself sometimes.” I told him as I went to the kitchen.
“I know how to cook.” He pointed out.
“Yeah, instant noodles and sun dae gook. That’s fantastic…” I teased him.
“Whatever…I’m going to see Tiggy…” Jonghyun said as he went to check on the kittens. He’s been fond of Tiggy since the day I teased them about their size.
I prepared breakfast and packed lunch for the day. Even though Jonghyun had recovered from his fever, he still needs to watch his diet for the time being.
“I’ll meet you later in about 10 minutes.” He told me as I cleared the table while he went back to change.
I met him outside after I’ve changed and fed the kittens. “Come on, this will be fun.” He grinned mischievously as I followed him.

At the theme park…

After buying the entry tickets, I looked at Jin Woo. “So, which one do you want to try first?” I asked him.
“Well…” He was considering. “How about the water park first? Then we’ll change and dry ourselves from the dry park rides.” He said to me. Sounds like a good idea.
We went to change and rented a locker each to keep our belongings. First up, we went for the splash rides. Since it’s a hot summer day, the water feels cool and refreshing at the same time. Next is the pool and water slides.

Jin Woo
I just can’t help laughing at Jonghyun’s childish antics. We even played with the children sometimes for fun. By noon, we decided to change and had our lunch on one of the park benches. I’ve prepared some simple sandwich and fruit juice as we discussed our next plan.
“So, Jin Woo hyung…What’s next after this?” He asked.
“Let’s see…” I looked at the map that we got from the entrance.
“We’ll go to the spinning cup, merry-go-round, bumper cars, roller coaster and ferris wheel.” I decided. “Oh, there’s even a rodeo machine to ride.” He added.
“Great…Let’s go…” Jonghyun urged as I packed once we’ve finished our lunch.

If Jin Woo doesn’t want to tell me about his past, the least I can do is to make him happy. We went for the dry park rides that he suggested and had lots of fun. It was good to see him smile and laugh as we enjoyed the rides.

Jin Woo
By the time we’re done, it was almost evening. We had lots of fun on the rides. Jonghyun especially when he won the rodeo machine competition against me.
“Short people have lower gravitational point.” He smiled at me.
We passed by a souvenir shop as we headed towards the exit.
“Wait here…” Jonghyun told me as he went inside. A few minutes later, he came out with a small bag in hand.
He rummaged inside the bag and took out something which he passed to me.
“This is for you.” He gave me the handphone accessory. I immediately attached it to my phone. The design is my zodiac sign, Scorpio. He showed me an identical one on his phone but the zodiac sign was Aries.
I heard clinking noise coming from the bag. “What else is in there?” I asked him.
“Those are for the others.” He showed me the content which are zodiac keychains.

“Thanks for bringing me out today.” Jin Woo said.
“That’s ok. I’m happy that you enjoyed it.” I told him.
“I really enjoyed myself today.” He smiled. How can Jin Woo with such a warm smile and nice personality can have a dark past. I don’t want to dwell on it. All I can do is to make him happy always.

In the evening…

Jin Woo
We reached my house and placed our things on the floor. Although SHINee only stays next door, I don’t think Jonghyun have much energy left to walk. We collapsed on the couch and immediately fell asleep side by side. Only, it didn’t last long as there was a doorbell and the others have returned from their outstation shooting.
“Thanks for taking care of Jonghyun.” Minho told me.
“It’s okay. I had fun as well today.” I smiled.
The others were confused as Jonghyun took the bag and passed to them. “A little something for you guys.” He said.
“Oh, you went to the theme park today.” Key said.
“Thanks.” Taemin thanked him. “Oh, that reminds me. We’ve bought souvenirs from the shooting location.” He said as he opened his luggage and took out the things they’ve bought.
“Jonghyun, you said that you booked the company villa for next week right?” Onew asked.
“Yup…We’ll need to buy a few more things as well for the vacation.” Jonghyun smiled.
It was such a happy moment. But sadly I don’t know how long will I get to enjoy them. The only thing I can do is to make the most out of it with SHINee. Until that day comes…

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