Thursday, June 2, 2011

Like a Brother - Chapter 10

Dear Min Lee,

We’re almost at the end of our vacation at the company villa. We had lots of fun together and today will be the last day we’re staying here. Attached are some of the photos of the scenery taken around the villa and all the crazy things we did. I’m sure you would enjoy them as well if you were here. Take care and I miss you guys.


Jin Woo Hyung

Jin Woo
A pair of hands wrapped around me which caught me by surprise. I turned around to see a smiling face staring at me.
“Good morning baby.” Jonghyun said to me with a lazy smile.
“Good morning darling.” I said to him. Playing along with him.
“Sending an e-mail to my brother-in-law?” He asked.
“Why? Are you jealous because I didn’t pay attention to you?” I teased him.
He then held my chin closely. “Why would I be jealous when I can see you every day?” He said. We held the position for a while until I can’t help giggling.
“Alright, that’s enough.” I told him as we started to make our way downstairs.
“Morning guys.” I wished the others as they were having breakfast. It was Onew and Key’s turn to cook today.

“So, what do we do for today?” I asked around.
“How about a water gun war?” Taemin suggested.
“Nah, we did that already.” Key said.
“Volleyball?” Minho suggested.
“You always win in any kind of sports that involves a ball.” Onew rejected.
We all looked at Jin Woo…

Jin Woo
“Well…” Everyone looked at me for suggestions.
“We’ve practically done almost everything in the past few days, how about we have a bit of time to ourselves alone?” I suggested.
“I’m going for a swim after some rest.” Jonghyun said as he got up.
“I think I’ll finish the chapter from a book that I’m reading.” Key went.
“I’m going to play some games.” Taemin said.
“I’m going straight for the SHINee Kitties.” Minho smiled.
“Err…I’ll do…something…” Onew replied ambiguously.
“Isn’t that much easier?” I smiled as I helped to clear the dishes.

I went to get some rest in the bedroom before going for a swim. Just then, Jin Woo came in with Roo in his arms.
“Stay here, Roo.” He said as he put Roo down by the window. He then went to search his luggage and brought out his stationery and his music book. He then went to join Roo and resumed from where he left off.
“I’m going to change and get down.” I told him as I went to get my swimwear and left the room.
“Alright, see you later.” He was smiling while humming the tunes for his new creation.

A few hours later…

I came back after a good swim and went to dry up in the room. When I came in, Jin Woo was asleep with Roo beside him by the window. I went to dry myself and placed his music book and stationeries on a nearby table.
I slept on the other side of the window seat and placed the blanket over both of us as I hugged Roo who whined softly as she fell asleep again on my lap…

In the evening…

Jin Woo
I woke up when I smelled food being cooked. I was wondering where I’ve placed my music book and stationeries when I saw Jonghyun sleeping opposite me and the blanket covering us. Just for fun, I slowly got down from the seat and searched for my camera. He looks adorable when he sleeps, especially with Roo.
I can’t help taking the picture with flash as it was a bit dark. He was startled and nearly fell off the seat with Roo.
“Good evening darling.” I joked at him.
He smiled as he got up with Roo in his arms. “Baby, I know I look awesome when I sleep too. You don’t have to take a picture of me like that.” He played along.
“Yeah, right…and I think dinner is almost ready.” I told him as we went downstairs. Apparently, we’re having a barbeque dinner outdoors.
“Go help the children set up the table…Tell them Mommy and Daddy will be done cooking by then.” Key said as he and Onew laughed.
“Then what would that make us?” I asked Key for fun.
“The couple next door.” Onew replied.
“And your son is flirting with our daughter.” Key added.
I looked over and saw Minho and Taemin helping to set up the table as they chatted and laughed. Guess we already know who’s the son and daughter.
Jonghyun went and placed his hand around Minho’s shoulder. “Son, if you want the neighbour’s girl, you’ll have to be serious with her.” He looked at Minho sternly.
“Oh don’t worry Dad, I’m just playing around with her.” Minho answered jokingly.
“Minho, you’re so cruel…” Taemin pretended to cry and ran to Key and Onew.
He then ran back with a knife and fork in hand.  “Minho…!! I want to kill you for revenge…!!” He started chasing Minho around.
I can’t help laughing as we set the table. Once done, Key and Onew served the food and we enjoyed it.

“The new semester starts in a few days.” Taemin sighed.
“Well, though you guys are pop stars, you still need to go to school.” Jin Woo told them.
“Yes, Jin Woo ajhumma” Taemin replied. Refering to the little family game that we’re still playing.
“Omma…I want the baked potatoes…” Minho acted cuddly beside Jin Woo.
“Sure Minho…” Jin Woo reached for the dish. “Here you go…” He passed the baked potatoes to Minho.
“Thanks omma…” Minho smiled.
I wanted to try my luck. “Darling, pass me the pork chop please…” I asked Jin Woo.
“Go get it yourself baby.” He replied coolly while he continued to eat.
“Why do I have to get it myself?” I asked.
“Because a child needs all the tender loving care from his parents while growing up.” He replied me.
“That’s not fair…Minho gets all the love but not me…” I pouted.
“Awww…My honey Jonghyun is sad…” Jin Woo turned to look at me.
“If you be good, I’ll give you a special present tonight…” He held my chin playfully and gave a flying kiss.

Jin Woo
“Alright you two, have some decency on this table.” Key said as he covered Taemin’s ears.
“Sorry…” Both Jonghyun and I apologised as everyone laughed.
“Oh, I nearly forgot…” Onew said as we looked at him.
“That’s right, Mingeul hyung called this morning.” Taemin said.
“Mingeul hyung said we’ll be appearing on a tv show next week.” Onew announced.
“And Jin Woo can come along too.” Key added.
“But he’ll be backstage while the show is on.” Minho concluded. Now that’s something to look forward to.
The night draws near as another day goes by. With that, another happy memory with SHINee. I wonder what the new school semester will bring, and how does SHINee look like live on tv broadcast…

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