Saturday, June 11, 2011

Like a Brother - Chapter 11

Dear Min Lee,

It’s been a week after the new semester had started. School went on as usual and I had to juggle between my work and classes. During the course of my work, I get to meet other pop stars from the company and also composed some songs for them. Everyone said that my work was great, even Yu Hee as well. I’ll keep working harder. Attached are the remaining pictures from our summer vacation in the company villa. Also, my new fall and winter uniform. What do you think? Take care and I love you guys.


Jin Woo Hyung

Jin Woo
It was already after school. I was waiting at the school gate with SHINee because today they will be attending a tv show broadcast. The only thing that I don’t understand is why Mingeul asked me to bring my violin along. We were all waiting for him to pick us up.
“Apparently the show starts in 3 hours. So, we’ll have enough time to get ready and rest before the show begins.” Onew said.
“Where is Mingeul hyung anyway?” Jonghyun asked while checking his watch. Just then, Mingeul arrived in his Estima.
“Sorry for the wait guys.” Mingeul apologised as we got onto our seats.
“Mingeul hyung, why did you asked me to bring my violin along?” That was the first question I asked.
“Ah, about that…” Mingeul tried to explain while concentrating on the road.
“Apparently, the broadcasting station had heard of your talents and they allocated a session for you to perform as well. On the same show that SHINee’s in.” He said.

“But we weren’t informed about this.” I said to Mingeul.
“That’s true. The request came at the last minute.” Mingeul replied.
“That means…” Taemin started.
“That Jin Woo hyung will get national recognition on the show itself.” Key said with a smile as he looked at Jin Woo.
“That’s great.” Minho said as he patted on Jin Woo’s shoulder.

Jin Woo
I immediately got nervous after hearing the news. “I…I don’t think I can do it.” There’s a slight feeling of doubt in my voice.
“Jin Woo hyung, you can do it. Just like the School Festival.” Jonghyun smiled as he encouraged me. I did perform a solo on that day.
“Just do your best, Jin Woo hyung.” Onew said to me.
“You have our support.” Taemin was excited about this.
“Thanks guys.” I told them. “I promise to do my best.” I’ll have to look through my music book later…

One hour later…

Jin Woo
Since there’s ample of time before the show begins, SHINee brought me to look around the broadcasting station. We visited other famous artistes and saw the decorations of the studios for different programs. We were only allowed to visit those which are not occupied at the moment. There were fans sitting at the audience seat and each studio was huge. With lots of equipments and workers busy preparing for the shows.
After the tour, everyone was getting ready for the show in the waiting room, feeling a bit thirsty, I went to get a drink from the vending machine outside. I shouldn’t have thought about that in the first place. Once I got the drink, I saw someone approaching from the opposite direction. He was the one person that I never wanted to see in my life ever again, Lee Shin Kyung.
“Master Jin Woo…” His personal assistant bowed to me. He’s a man in his early 20’s. Sporting a smart look with a personal organiser in his hands. He’s definitely someone new. I have never met him before.
“Don’t ever address me that way.” I warned him.
“Why, Jin Woo? After all, you are my son.” Lee Shin Kyung said.
“Don’t ever call me by that word!! I am not your son!! My real father died when I was 5!!” I yelled back at him.
“Why do you say that? Your dear father is standing right in front of you.” He said in an easy tone.
“You are not my father, you never were, and never will be.” I told him.
“I remember you said that you didn’t want to be rich and famous. Yet you have embarked into the entertainment industry. Such a foolish idea.” Lee Shin Kyung said nonchalantly.
“At least I get to do what I love the most.” I answered him.
“The entertainment industry does not last long. You should have chosen to be in the business industry. At least it is more stable and the returns are quite lucrative.” He said.
“Your ambition is full of greed and ruthlessness. Something that I never wanted to be near to. I know the things that you would do to get there…” I told him. “Such as leaving your wife to die in suffering and pain.” I added with a tone of hatred in my voice.
He grabbed me by the collar and pulled me close. That last comment seemed to have hit the right spot. I looked back at him with unlimited hatred in my heart. So much that I wanted him to die and leave my life alone.
“Now look here, boy.” He told me in a warning voice. “Your mother was foolish to fall in love and had a baby with me. You’re lucky that I didn’t plan to kill you yet because you’re the only ticket that I have right now.” I didn’t understood what he was talking about at that time…

In the studio…

I wonder where did Jin Woo went. He’s not in the waiting room, so where else could he be? I went to look around when I heard Jin Woo’s voice. I followed the direction where his voice was coming from and I saw him with Lee Shin Kyung who was holding him by his collar and was close to his face. Jin Woo’s eyes only have the feeling of loathe towards that man. What actually did happened to Jin Woo’s past.
Clearing my voice, I went in their direction. “Jin Woo hyung, is something wrong?” I asked.
“No, Jonghyun, This man was actually about to leave.” He replied. There was a challenging look on his face as he said that.
“Oh, don’t take it too seriously…” Lee Shin Kyung said with a smile. “I was just practicing a bit of acting with him.” He tidied up Jin Woo’s shirt as he let him go.
“Thanks for the tips…It was an impressive lesson.” Lee Shin Kyung said as he went towards the exit and stopped.
“Oh, let me introduce my new assistant, he’s Yoona’s elder brother…Joonhae. He’s working for me to repay his gratitude for my help after that tragic accident. Apparently his sister was quite close with you before it happened.” Lee Shin Kyung introduced as his personal assistant bowed.
“We’ll meet again another time. Enjoy your trip here.” Lee Shin Kyung said as they left the station.
I looked back at Jin Woo and was worried. There was a shocked look on his face after hearing the name…

Jin Woo
Choi Yoona, it’s been a long time since I heard her name. She was my best friend when we were young, and also a person that I had secretly loved. But a tragedy happened when I was 9. She died in a traffic accident with her parents. Her brother was overseas that time. The newspaper reported that her father had lost control of the car and fell off a cliff. It was raining that day.
“Jin Woo hyung…Are you alright?” Jonghyun’s voice brought me back to reality.
“Oh…nothing…” I tried to put on a smile.
“You don’t look so good just now…” He said with a look of concern on his face.
“Don’t worry…I’ll be fine after some rest.” I assured him.

I’m still not convinced even if he put on his best smile. I know he’s still feeling uncomfortable after the meeting.
“Remember the UNO game we played?” He asked.
“Yes…” I replied him.
“Your second task…is to not tell anyone what you saw just now.” He said that to me.
“But this is serious….” I wanted to object.
“Please, Jonghyun…Don’t get involved in this.” He pleaded. “This is a problem that only I can solve myself. I don’t want anyone else to get involved in this…” He told me with his head down. “Especially you guys…” There was a soft sob and I saw tears rolling down his face.
This was the first time I have ever seen him like this. It makes my heart ache and I feel like I wanted to protect him even more. I feel so helpless right now.
“Alright, I promise…” It was all that I can say as I hugged him.
“Thanks…” Jin Woo whispered to me.

Jin Woo
I can’t let anyone to get involved in this. Not even Jonghyun. My family and SHINee, they’re all too important to me.
“Hey, there you are…” I heard Onew’s voice and quickly wiped my tears as Jonghyun let go of me.
“We’ve been searching for the both of you.” Key said with his arms folded across the chest.
“The band leader wanted to know which song you will be performing later.” Minho said.
“He wants his band to practice in advance before the show begins.” Taemin concluded.
“Tell him I’ll be there in a minute…” I told the others. They went to relay the message as I pulled Jonghyun into the waiting room while I searched for my music book…

A few hours later...

Jin Woo
I have already practiced with the music group with the song that I chose. Everyone in the audience was discussing about me when I entered the studio with Jonghyun earlier. I’ve also met the host of the show and we chatted a bit. Key actually chose matching casual wears for all of us. I’m wearing a black t-shirt with jeans and sneakers. Something that I’m comfortable with. We’re not supposed to wear school uniforms in case the fans might stalk us. But based on our popularity in the school, I doubt it helps much.
Once the studio master gave the signal, the intro music was played and the audience cheered loudly. The host introduced SHINee individually and she interviewed them about their work, any upcoming album in the near future, what are the goals that they hope to achieve, and other things in general. This was the first time I see them live in a tv show. And they put in all their efforst to make it their best as I looked from afar on my side of the studio.
The host looked at them as she issued the next question. “I believe you have brought a special guest today?” She asked.
“Well, we were informed a bit at the last minute. But yes, he’s a really special person for all of us.” Jonghyun replied on behalf of them.
“Well then, before we get to meet that person, we have arranged for him to perform as well after hearing about his talent. But that will have to wait after the commercial break.” The host announced as everyone took the chance to relax.
Jonghyun came over to me. “Jin Woo hyung, I don’t know what happened earlier. But just do your best later. Okay?” He asked me.
“I will…” I promised him…

Five minutes later…

The show resumed after the break as the host introduced Jin Woo. “Welcome back, just now we were talking about SHINee’s special guest who is very talented in music.” The host informed from where we left before the commercial break.
“Without further delay, let’s all watch his first performance on tv…” The host announced as all the cameras focused on Jin Woo. The band leader gave the signal as they started the music. Then, Jin Woo began his performance. Everyone present was awed by his music. At first the song started with a slow tune, and then it began to pick up the pace. The audience clapped along with the music. Even we were influenced as well.
As we continued to listen and watch his performance, I noticed the song is not the type like we performed during the school festival. This song sounds more like a song about conflicts. Only when I looked at Jin Woo’s eyes that I realised his expression while he was playing the violin. He chose this song for his performance so that he can express whatever he was feeling just now after meeting with Lee Shin Kyung. A song of hatred and in some parts, of sorrow after hearing a name that only he is familiar with.
As I watched him perform, it looks like as though a pair of black wings have grown behind him and extended widely. With his facial expression of hatred, he looked like an angel of vengeance. With imaginary black feathers falling and fluttering around him as he ended his performance. Somehow, I have a feeling of uneasiness…

Jin Woo
As my performance ended, the audience cheered and clapped loudly. I bowed and smiled as I joined SHINee in their seat. Sitting beside Jonghyun.
“So, introduce a bit about yourself to us.” The host said to me. She told me earlier that these questions are asked normally and that I only need to answer them as usual and make contact with the cameras only when necessary.
“My name’s Kim Jin Woo, and I’m 19 years old.” I replied the host.
“Ah…So that makes you SHINee’s hyung.” She commented.
“Indeed, he’s irreplaceable because he’s our one and only Jin Woo hyung.” Key replied. The crowd screamed excitedly over the reply.
“So he is a really special person.” The host commented.
“How did you meet SHINee?” She then asked me.
“Well, I transferred to their school from overseas a few months back. Since I’m new at that time, I didn’t realise they were a famous group until much later.” I answered sheepishly.
“We’re in the same class and staying just next to each other.” Onew added.
“That is such a coincidence, being classmates and neighbours at the same time.” The host commented.
“So, I heard you just joined the entertainment industry. How did that happened?” She asked.
“Well, they had a look at my music book and introduced me to their manager and the main composer, after looking at my works and my performance, I was accepted to work in the company as a composer trainee.” I replied.
“So you were Yu Hee’s pupil for a while. You’re really lucky.” She said.
“Yeah, I guess so.” I replied the host.
“So Jin Woo, who do you think you’re the closest to among the SHINee members?” The host asked. That question seemed to have caught me by surprise.
“Based on our experience…” Minho started.
“The person closest to Jin Woo among us…” Taemin continued.
“Would be…” Jonghyun wanted to continue and became speechless as the others were looking at him.
“Jonghyun…” I finished the sentence and purposely acted cuddly in front of the camera. It made the audience and the others laughed.
“Darling, don’t say that on the show. It makes me feel shy.” Jonghyun played along.
“I can’t help it…I’m just telling the truth.” I replied as I looked at Jonghyun with my best puppy eyes look.
The girls were screaming even more excitedly as both Jonghyun and I can’t stop laughing. We continued with the interview until the end. The host said that she had a great time with us. We all went back as Mingeul was waiting by the main entrance of the broadcasting station.
“So, how did you feel appearing on tv for the first time?” Mingeul asked.
“I was nervous at first, but after today, I feel ok.” I answered him.
“That’s good.” Mingeul said as the others congratulated me.
But in my heart, there’s a feeling of uneasiness. Something that Lee Shin Kyung said to me. That he still needs me for something. I wonder what it is…

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