Saturday, June 11, 2011

Like A Brother - Final Chapter

Dear Min Lee,

How are you guys lately? The final semester went on as usual until the exams. Luckily everyone got through. Now we’re on our semester break. It’s going to be Christmas tomorrow. Unfortunately, this will be the last e-mail I will ever send to you. It’s something that I need to settle once and for all with Lee Shin Kyung. After that, he will never bother you guys again. This is the only Christmas present I have to give you. Don’t ever try to look for me. I just wanted all of you to live happily from now on. I’m sorry that I have to leave all of you. Take care and I love you guys.

P.S. Attached are the pictures taken during my birthday a few months back. Something to remember me by.


Jin Woo Hyung

Jin Woo
I’ve already submitted my withdrawal letter from school, I gave my resignation letter to Mingeul and Yu Hee, my presents for SHINee and the notes are done, now I can leave. But, the kittens seemed to have sensed my departure. They were meowing loudly, I had to coax them with cat food and drinks to make them quiet.
As I closed the front gate, with my luggage in hand, I walked away into the late night, where a waiting car was parked nearby. Pain and sorrow have a tight grip on my heart as warm tears flowed down my face. All the memories we had together, I’ll cherish it for life. But I had to do this, at least for them…

In the morning…

We were having breakfast when Key and Taemin came back from visiting Jin Woo. They have a panicked look on their face. Something doesn’t feel right.
“Jin Woo hyung, he’s not at home.” Key said.
“He left a note for all of us. And a present as well.” Taemin added. We all went over to his house.
His closet was empty and his luggage bag is nowhere to be seen. He can’t just left us. Not without a goodbye.
Everyone was reading their notes downstairs. Only one was left on the table. The one with my name written on the front. I picked up the envelope and it felt heavy. As I took out the note, I saw the necklace which I bought for his birthday a few months back inside the envelope. His note was written as follows:

Dear Jonghyun,

I know you really wanted to help me. But this is something that I have to settle on my own. I can’t get any of you involved in this. Especially with what Lee Shin Kyung can do. You can hate me all you want, but this is the only way I can save everyone from harm. From the person who was my father by some sick twist of fate. Remember what you promised me. The two tasks, now for the remaining four:

3) Think of me always
4) Live every minute of your life happily
5) Take care of the house and the SHINee Kitties
6) Keep this necklace, until the day when I return

I’m sorry to leave all of you so suddenly. I promise to explain everything once I return. For now, just know that you will all be in my heart forever. All the best in your career.


Jin Woo

Tears started to flow down my face. How could he? He was the usual Jin Woo just last night and now he left us so suddenly.
“No…he can’t do this…” I muttered to myself.
“Jonghyun…” Minho tried to calm me down.
“Jin Woo hyung can’t do this!!” I cried as I got up to leave.
“Jonghyun, what are you trying to do?” Taemin tried to hold me back.
“I’m going to look for him! No matter what it takes!” I shouted. I won’t accept this reality.
“Jonghyun, you can’t do this.” Onew tried to reason with me as I tried to struggle from Minho and Taemin’s hold.
“He…He can’t just leave us like this. Not before saying a proper goodbye…Not like this…” I wanted to leave here so bad. Just then, somebody slapped my face. I was stunned to see that Key was crying too.
“Don’t be selfish!” He scolded. “Do you think you’re the only one who’s hurt right now? Just because both of you were close to each other?” He waved his arm in general. I looked at everyone’s face and I can see they’re trying to hold back their tears as well.
“He did all this for us. If he knew we’ve gone and searched for him. Do you think he will show himself? And jeopardise all his efforts?” Key continued.
“His family must be going through the same thing as us right now.” Taemin said in general.
“Jin Woo hyung means a lot to us too.” Onew said as I knelt onto the floor.
“He can’t be replaced…ever.” Minho said. At that moment, I cried my heart out. For my failure to help Jin Woo when he’s troubled. I feel so helpless. The others hugged me as they all cried as well. Jin Woo has a special existence in our hearts. With him gone, this will be one of the saddest moments in our lives…

Few weeks later…

We were taking care of Jin Woo’s house and the SHINee Kitties as always. As we were leaving, a young kid was standing in front of the house.
“You must be Jonghyun hyung.” He said to me.
I was confused for a moment. How can a 16 year old kid recognise me immediately? Only then a thought came to me. “You’re Min Lee…” I said to the boy. Who gave an acknowledging smile.
“Thanks for taking care of my brother.” He bowed to us.
“No, we should thank you. Jin Woo hyung took good care of us when he was here.” We bowed back to him in respect.
“But why are you here?” Key asked.
“I brought him here.” A figure appeared. I remember him, the man from the broadcasting station, Lee Shin Kyung’s personal assistant.
“Where’s Jin Woo hyung!?” I demanded as I gripped him by the collar.
“No, Jonghyun hyung. Don’t hurt Joonhae hyung!” Min Lee pleaded.
“You knew him?” I asked in surprise.
“Yes, he’s trying to protect my brother.” Min Lee said.
“If he’s protecting Jin Woo hyung, why is he working for Lee Shin Kyung?” I asked.
“Because…” Joonhae said as he showed his badge. “I’m working undercover.” He explained.
“Where is Jin Woo hyung then?” Minho asked.
“I can’t tell neither you nor Min Lee anything for the sake of your lives. Just know that he is safe now.” Joonhae replied.
“Wait here…” Key said as he went into our house. A few minutes later, he came back with a CD in hand.
“That’s…” Onew realised what it was.
“Jin Woo hyung’s recordings.” Key answered. I’ve listened to it countless of times.
“The one he was working secretly with Yu Hee noona and Mingeul hyung.” Taemin said. As though Jin Woo expected something will happen at that time.
“This is for you.” Key said as he gave the CD to Min Lee.
“But what about you guys?” He asked.
“Don’t worry, we can always ask from Yu Hee noona for another copy.” Taemin told him.
“Consider it an unofficial album from Jin Woo hyung.” I said to Min Lee as I ruffled his hair.
“Thank you.” Min Lee said as he bowed again.
“We have to go…” Joonhae said as he and Min Lee started to leave. “Call me if there’s anything you want for Min Lee.” He said as he gave his number to us.
We stood and watched Min Lee and Joonhae leaving. Not sure when we will meet again…

Few months later…

We busied ourselves with our work schedule between performances, tv shows, school and recordings. We attended one of the variety show recordings that just finished when there was a call on my phone.
“Jonghyun, is it ok for you to talk?” Joonhae asked.
“Sure, what is it about?” I asked.
“I don’t know how to say this…but I need you to remain calm…” Joonhae said.
“Why? What happened?” I asked him. There was panic in my voice as I got worried.
“Lee Shin Kyung tried to murder Jin Woo. He suffered major blood loss and is now in a coma.” Joonhae explained. At that moment, my phone slipped and clattered onto the floor.
“Jonghyun…” Onew called for me.
“Jonghyun...Are you alright?” Minho asked as he saw my phone on the floor.
“What happened?” Key asked.
“Jonghyun…what did Joonhae said?” Taemin asked after he saw the last caller list.
I turned to look at them. There were tears flowing down my face. “It’s…It’s Jin Woo hyung…He’s in a coma.” I told them. Everyone was shocked by the news. Taemin immediately called Joonhae for the location…

At the hospital…

All of us were in Jin Woo’s ward with Mingeul and Yu Hee. There were so many tubes connected to him. He looked so weak and fragile. My heart ached when I saw him like this. He’s been so nice to everyone and this happened to him. Life is so unfair.
“How did this happened?” Minho asked.
“Lee Shin Kyung wanted money to save his company from bankruptcy. His father-in-law left him a will with a huge sum when he passed away recently. With one condition, that he must produce an heir to inherit the business. Something that he was not able to for the past few years before his wife passed away earlier. Jin Woo was his only choice left. But in the lawyer’s office, when the DNA results came out yesterday, it showed that they were not related biologically. His real father, ironically, was his stepfather. Jin Woo was equally surprised by this. But rage soon consumed Shin Kyung, he took a letter opener and stabbed Jin Woo. Luckily no vital organs were compromised.” Joonhae explained.
“Where is Shin Kyung?” I asked as I continued to look at Jin Woo.
“He’s now in custody. And he won’t be seeing the outside world forever.” Joonhae replied.
Key came over to me. “We need to go. Jin Woo hyung needs to rest.” He said to me.
“No, you guys go back first. I’ll stay here with him.” I told Key.
“But Jonghyun…” Key was stopped by Mingeul.
“Mingeul hyung…” Key looked at him.
“Let’s leave Jonghyun here for tonight.” Mingeul said.
“But…” Key wanted to object.
“Key, you know how close Jonghyun was with Jin Woo.” Onew said.
“It’s best to let them be alone for a while.” Yu Hee said as she directed the others to go outside.
“Take care, Jonghyun.” Taemin said before they leave.
“Min Lee and his parents will be here tomorrow. Just to let you know.” Joonhae said as he followed the others.
Once the door closed, I took a seat beside Jin Woo. I held his hand in mine. It felt so cold. The only sign that he’s alive is the beeping sound of the machines.
“Jin Woo hyung…I promised myself to protect you. To be there whenever you need me. But now you end up like this. I don’t know what to do…” I cried as I placed my head on his bed. Praying very hard that he’ll never leave. Min Lee and his parents came the next day. From the expression on his face, I assumed his father knew about this a long time ago. The doctor advised that it is best for Jin Woo to be near his family. So that there’s someone to care for him. I wanted to be there as well, but I can’t just leave everyone behind for my selfishness. His family agreed to bring him back to take care of him. Min Lee promised to let me know if there’s anything. I will pray hard every day for Jin Woo’s recovery. It’s the least I can do for him…

One year later…

“Let’s give a big round of applause again for SHINee…!!” The emcee announced excitedly after our concert performance as it came to an end. All the fans were screaming and cheering for us. I tried my best to put on a smile but my heart feels empty. Mingeul, Yu Hee, Min Lee and his parents were sitting at the front row. We requested to reserve those seats for them. But only one seat was empty. If only Jin Woo was here as well to see us.
“Thank you for giving us such an enjoyable night…!!” The emcee said.
“Thanks to all the fans who are here to see us. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.” Onew said as we bowed to the audience.
“Wait a minute.” Just then, the emcee held out his hand. Everyone fell silent.
“It seems that there is a request from a fan.” He listened to his earphone as the instructions were being relayed to him.
“The request is that SHINee will need to stand at the front of the stage…blindfolded while the person is performing. It’s supposed to be a gift for SHINee.” The emcee announced. Everyone in the audience was whispering. All of us were wondering what was going on. We looked at Mingeul for an explanation but he shrugged. Even Yu Hee didn’t have any idea at all. We looked at each other with doubt.
“Okay then, we’ll fulfil the request.” Onew said.
The stage assistants blindfolded all of us and led us to the front of the stage. Still wondering what all this is about. The emcee tested each of us to see if the blindfold works.
“Alright, you may now begin your performance.” The emcee said.
There were more whisperings from the audience as the lights were switched on. As soon as it started, everyone was silent after that. The band started to play a slow tune, and then there was the sound of a violin. At first, none of us can make out the music. But after a while, I realised what it was. One of the music that I’ve heard a lot of times, the music from Jin Woo’s CD.
I quickly removed the blindfold and looked at Min Lee and the others. They were smiling happily while Min Lee gave me a wink. I quickly turned around as Minho patted on my shoulder. One of the lights was shining onto the performer. He was wearing a white shirt with jeans. He was smiling while playing his violin. I cried once I saw who it was…Jin Woo…
As he played his violin, He looked like an angel with white wings spreading behind him with imaginary white feathers falling and fluttering all around him. He looked so beautiful.
Once finished, he held his arms wide as he looked and smiled at us. I was the first to run and hugged him. Then he whispered something in my ear. The audience screamed and cheered loudly at the same time.
“I’m home…Jonghyun…” He said. With that, I felt my heart was whole again. That one phrase I wanted to hear for so long.
“Welcome back…Jin Woo hyung…” I smiled and whispered back. The others joined in as well. Everyone was happy to see Jin Woo again as I wiped the tears from my face.
“Now, Jonghyun…I heard you’ve been a bad boy recently.” Jin Woo said to me as we looked at each other.
“That was a lie…!! I’ve been real good…Honest…!!” I told him.
“What happened to taking care of my house and the Kitties?” He looked at me sternly.
“Well, I sort of…delegated the duty to Key…” I smiled sheepishly.
“Right…” He said. Then he smiled. “I believe you have something for me.” He said to me. I immediately searched in my pants pocket and pulled out the necklace. He took it and tied it around his neck.
We turned to look at the fans who were still cheering. “Everyone…meet our one and only, Our special Jin Woo hyung!!” I told the audience as we all bowed again. The audience went wild.
“I miss you, Baby…” I told him playfully.
“Me too, Darling…” He told me as he gave another hug.
“And Omma and Oppa are back together again…” Minho said as we all laughed.

I held the light in my hands,
As it shined bright and warm,
It let me see my world,
In colours and warmth I’ve never felt before.
So I made a promise to myself,
To protect this light always and never let it vanish.

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