Sunday, May 15, 2011

Like a Brother - Chapter 7

Dear Min Lee,

The summer vacation has just started. How about you? I hope you’ll have lots of fun. ^_^. SHINee will be busy with their schedules. So, I’m alone at home most of the times. But at least I can take the time to house-train the SHINee Kitties and hopefully they can be good friends with Roo. I miss you guys so much.


Jin Woo Hyung

Jin Woo
Another day alone at home, I cleaned my house in the morning. Now, time to play with the SHINee Kitties. I looked at each and every one of the kittens, when I first saw them, they were a bunch of weak, skinny lump of fur at 6 weeks old. Now, thanks to all the love and pampering from myself and SHINee they’ve grown big and healthy. Well, apart from Onew, who once became frozen with shock when Choco climbed up his pants for food. Took us a lot of effort to remove Choco as he stucked onto Onew like Velcro. Not to mention they’re lazy as well. They blinked their sleepy eyes at me and went back to sleep.
It took about a week to house-train them. Now they’ve got used to the house as I opened their cage to let them roam. The doorbell rang and I got up to the front to open the door.
“Sorry to disturb you, Jin Woo hyung.” Taemin apologised.
“It’s okay. What is it?” I asked him.
“Could you come over? Jonghyun is not feeling well but he still wants to go for the site recording with us. We’ll be outstation for a few days for the shoot.” Taemin explained.
“Alright. Give me a few minutes.” I told him as I went to change and went over to their place.
The others wanted him to stay before it gets worse. But Jonghyun still insist of following.
“Jonghyun, you’re not feeling well. It’s best for you to get some rest.” I told him.
“Jin Woo hyung, I’m feeling fine. I’m not sick or anything.” He tried to reassure me.

Seriously, I’m not going to let this little flu get me down.
“Alright then Jonghyun…” Jin Woo looked at me sternly.
“If you’re feeling just fine, then I don’t see why you can’t stand and walk 10 steps in a straight line for us.” He told me. The others were looking concerned.
Just stand and walk. That should be easy. But once I stood up, the whole place seemed to spin…

Jin Woo
I went and caught Jonghyun before he stumbled and helped him down to rest. This guy can be really stubborn at times. Just to make sure, I pushed his hair above the forehead and placed my head on his.

His forehead was on mine. His face so close, I actually blushed.
“You’re having a fever.” Jin Woo concluded as he got up.
“Don’t worry guys. I’ll take good care of him.” He told the others. “But first I need a bit of help.” He requested.
“And I need Jonghyun to get changed.” He added.

Jin Woo
Minho and Taemin offered to help me. “Thanks guys, I need to move the SHINee Kitties over to your house for the duration I’m staying there.”
“That’s okay. I hope they can be good friends with Roo.” Taemin smiled hopefully as we carried their cage and other necessary items and moved them over. Roo was barking excitedly when she saw the kittens which weren’t paying any attention at all. Maybe because their size was slightly bigger and there’s five of them. Maybe I’ll introduce Roo to them one by one later.
I went to their room and helped Jonghyun down the stairs and carried some of his things.
“For now, you’ll be sleeping on the couch until you get better. But first, we need to go to the clinic.” I told him as we got out of the house.
The others placed their luggage into Mingeul’s car and turned to me. “Jin Woo hyung, please take care of Jonghyun.” They bowed.
“I’ll do my best.” I assured them. Once they’ve left, Jonghyun and I went to the clinic for a checkup.

After the checkup…

Here I am, feeling weak and feverish. Lying on the couch with a cooling strip on my forehead. Jin Woo was preparing lunch while I rested after taking the medicines. Roo was getting used to the SHINee Kitties since Jin Woo will be staying here for the time being. Just the two of us.
“Okay Jonghyun, your lunch is ready.” Jin Woo placed a bowl of porridge and a glass of water on the table before he helped me to sit. He sat in a chair and watched.
“Aren’t you going to have your lunch?” I asked.
“In a while. After you’ve finished yours.” He told me. The porridge was hot, so it took me some time to finish it.

Jin Woo
Once he’s done, I helped him to lay down. “Now get some rest.” I told him. “If you want anything, just call me.” I added.
I cleared the table except for the glass of water and washed the dishes. After that, I had my lunch. For the rest of the day, I played with Roo and the SHINee Kitties. Careful not to disturb Jonghyun.
“Okay Roo, meet Tiggy, Snow, Panther, Cloud and Choco.” I showed Roo each of the kittens. Roo seemed to be happy to meet them as she kept licking them which the kitten didn’t mind. Things seemed to be going well for them.
I prepared a simple meal for us during dinner and helped Jonghyun to sit while I prepared a warm bath and dry clothes for him. Once done, I helped him into the bathroom and left him by himself.

Few minutes later…

I was back on the couch as Jin Woo took my temperature again.
“There’s still a slight fever…” He looked at the thermometer and went to get a new cooling strip and placed it on my forehead as I lay down to rest.

Jin Woo
I went to get my dinner and sat beside the couch.
“Jin Woo hyung…” Jonghyun called me.
“Yes?” I looked at him.
“You really went all the way to take care of me…” He said.
“Of course…you reminded me of my brother Min Lee.” I told him.
“Oh, I remembered you mentioned a brother on your first day at school.” Jonghyun said.
“He’s 15 this year. I’ll introduce him to you guys if there’s a chance.” I told him.

Now’s the only time I have to ask him.
“Errm…Jin Woo hyung…” I called him.
“Yup?” He looked at me again.
“That day during your solo performance…” I started.
“What is it?” He asked. His expression a bit suspicious.
There’s no use beating around the bush now. Might as well go straight to the point. “When you saw Lee Shin Kyung, you looked different. Did he do something to you in the past?” I asked him.
There was no response from Jin Woo. His expression turned to icy cold as a dark shadow passed between his eyes.

Jin Woo
So Jonghyun had noticed. But I can’t get anyone else involved in my troubles. Especially those relating to people like Lee Shin Kyung.
“I’m sorry, Jonghyun. This is something that I can’t tell anyone.” I answered him.
“Sorry that I asked.” He apologised.
“That’s okay.” I told him.

 “Jin Woo hyung, if you need any help, you can always come to me.” I told him. It was the only way I can help him.
“Thanks Jonghyun. Now get some rest. I’ll clean up in a while.” He told me and I obeyed.

Jin Woo
After I cleaned the dishes, I had my shower and rested in the chair beside the couch. Roo was sleeping on the floor beside Jonghyun as I picked her up.
“Roo, appa is not feeling well at the moment. So Roo will be staying with me for the time being.” I told her as I held her. She whined as she looked at Jonghyun and rested her head on me. As though she understood what I said.
I covered Roo and myself with the blanket I brought over from my house and looked at Jonghyun. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. Even though he means well just now, I can’t let him go through the same thing what my family had ever again. With that thought in my mind. I fell asleep…

Late at night…

I woke up by myself. At least now the fever has gone down. I looked at the chair beside where Jin Woo was sleeping. Lee Shin Kyung, the man he seemed to have a deep feeling of hatred. What had he done to Jin Woo in the past? I knew it was useless to ask Jin Woo directly. I can only hope that he doesn’t get into any trouble with that man again…
“I’ll promise to protect you…” I whispered before resuming my sleep…

Two days later…

Jin Woo
“Congratulations…You’ve finally recovered.” I told Jonghyun after taking his temperature.
“Thanks for taking care of me.” He told me.
“It’s nothing.” I replied with a smile.
“Jin Woo hyung…” He said as I looked at him.
“If you don’t mind…I want to bring you to the theme park tomorrow. As thanks for troubling you these past few days.” He told me.
“If you insist, then I guess I’m alright with it.” I replied him.
“Great.” He smiled.
It’s been a long time I’ve been to a theme park. I’m sure it’s going to be a fun day tomorrow. But I still need to watch over Jonghyun’s diet for a while…

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