Saturday, June 11, 2011

Like a Brother - Chapter 12

Dear Min Lee,

I’ve appeared on a tv show. How cool was that? I’ve attached pictures of the broadcasting station and the studio. The host interviewed me and SHINee. I wonder if there’s a video posted by the fans on the internet or not. Try to look around and you might be able to find it. Show Mom and Dad as well the video. I love you guys.

P.S. Thanks for the birthday wish in advance…


Jin Woo Hyung

Jin Woo
“Saengil chukka hamnida…” I sang to myself while preparing breakfast. It’s my birthday today. And I have the whole day to myself. I’ve planned to go over to the shopping mall for a bit and spend the rest of the day at home with the SHINee Kitties.
Just as I was enjoying myself, the phone rang. I went to pick it up.
“Good morning, Master Jin Woo…” The voice on the other line said. Immediately my mood has changed.
“I told you I don’t want to be called that way, Joonhae hyung.” I told Joonhae on the phone. How did they manage to get my number?
“The President would like to meet you.” Joonhae informed.
“There’s no need for me to see him.” I replied coolly. Why would that man wanted to see me for. I wondered.
“He said he has something that might be interesting for you.” Joonhae replied.  It took me a few minutes to consider.
“Alright, where does he want to meet me?” I told Joonhae.
“He said to meet at Shin Kyung Mall. I’ll be at the main entrance personally to show you the way.” Joonhae replied.
“I’ll be there in about half an hour’s time.” I told Joonhae.
“As you wish…Jin Woo.” Joonhae replied before I hang up the phone.
Might as well I listen to what that man has to say. I had my breakfast and fed the kittens before going to my room to clean and change…

A few minutes later…

Key was standing by the window watching for any movement from Jin Woo. We all knew what the occasion today is. Key got the nickname Almighty for a good reason.
“Key, don’t stand there and stalk Jin Woo hyung.” Onew said.
“If he sees you then the whole plan will be ruined.” Minho added.
“Fine…” Key obliged but was suddenly excited again.
“He’s out…he’s out of the house…” Key told everyone. We all went to the window and looked.
“Alright…” Key said as he turned around.
“Jonghyun…You’ll collect the cake that I’ve ordered and the presents. Onew and Taemin will be in charge of the groceries while Minho and I will do the decorating in Jin Woo hyung’s house.” Key relayed the instructions as he took out one of the spare keys Jin Woo gave to each of us.
“How much time do we have?” I asked.
“That is the one thing that I’m not sure of.” Key replied.
“Let’s just hope that Jin Woo hyung will be out for some time.” Taemin said as we all began our mission…

Half an hour later…

Jin Woo
I’ve arrived at Shin Kyung Mall as promised. Joonhae was standing by the front entrance, looking smart in suit and tie. Some of the girls and ladies who passed by had a second look and giggled a bit.
“Mas-, I mean, Jin Woo. The President is expecting you.” Joonhae said as he lead the way.
We went into one of the lift and Joonhae swiped his personnel tag before pressing on the highest floor.
“Access to higher floors are limited due to security purposes.” Joonhae explained as the lift started to ascend.
Joonhae may be working for that man, but there’s no reason for me to hate him.
“I see you are doing very well, Joonhae hyung.” I said to him.
“All thanks to the President.” He replied.
A few minutes later, the lift opened into a huge office space. We walked up to the double doors and Joonhae knocked on it.
“Come in…” A voice replied from the other side, his voice.
Both of us entered into the room. Lee Shin Kyung was sitting behind his desk. The back of his chair was facing us.
“Mr. President, I’ve brought Master Jin Woo.” Joonhae informed as he bowed.
“Thank you, Joonhae. If you could leave us in private please.” Shin Kyung said as he turned around.
“As you wish.” Joonhae replied as he left the room. Closing the doors behind him.
“What is it that you wanted to tell me?” I asked Shin Kyung. Expecting that nothing good will come from this man.
“Please have a seat first.” He invited.
“No thanks, I’ll just stand here to hear what you have to say and then I’ll leave.” I told him coolly.
“Oh, I just only have a request for you.” Shin Kyung said as he smiled at me. A request he said? Now that’s something rare.
“What if I refuse?” I challenged him.
“Well, you never know when accidents will happen.” He replied.
“I knew you had something to do with Yoona’s death!” I shouted at him.
“Her death was an accident. I did not have any involvement in that.” He replied coolly.
“So says the devil who claims to be innocent.” I said to him sarcastically.
“Be careful with your tone, boy. Or he’ll go first…” Shin Kyung warned as he pointed with a remote onto the big screen nearby. An image appeared and my heart stopped for a moment. Why is he in the mall?

I took out the piece of paper that Key had written down and searched for the shop. It was not very helpful as only the name was written. It took me quite an effort to search for it. Collecting the presents earlier was already difficult enough. I entered the shop once I found it.
“Good day, sir. How may I help you?” The shop assistant asked.
“Err, my friend had ordered a cake earlier. I’m here to collect it.” I replied her.
“Alright, can I have the name please?” The assistant asked.
“It’s either Key or Kim Kibum.” I answered.
“Please hold on a minute.” The assistant replied as she looked through her system.
“Ah, yes. I believe the cake is ready.” She said after a few minutes. “Would you like to have a look first?” She asked.
“Yes, please.” I told her as she took the cake and showed me. Key’s selection was perfect. I went to pay at the cashier and was surprised by the price. Key’s taste is quite pricey too. Jin Woo better love the cake…

Jin Woo
I turned to look at Shin Kyung. “Don’t you dare do anything to him or the others.” I warned him.
“I don’t see the point why you’re so protective of them.” Shin Kyung said as he rested his elbows on the table with his fingers crossed.
“They’re like brothers to me. And if anything happens to them, I swear I’ll make you regret the day you crossed my path.” I told him with full hatred.
“Relax, I’ll guarantee that nothing will happen to them. If you accept my request, after that we’re done once and for all.” He told me.
“What is it?” I asked him.
“You see, my late father-in-law passed away and left a will. He left a huge sum for me. An amount that I need in order to save this company from bankruptcy. But, there’s a condition to fulfil. Which is to have an heir to inherit the business.” He explained.
“And that’s where I come in…” I said as I remembered the words he said back at the broadcasting station.
“Correct…But, to make sure that you are my son, they need a DNA test to be done which the results might take a few months where you will be staying with me.” He said.
“I’ll think about it.” I told him as I stood and went to the doors.
“Sure, but don’t take too long. This is an offer that you won’t turn down.” Shin Kyung smiled as I closed the doors behind me. Joonhae was waiting by the opened lift. He entered with me into the lift.
As we were in the middle of our journey to descend, Joonhae suddenly pressed on the stop button and the lift halted in between floors. That took me by surprise.
“Jin Woo, I don’t have much time to explain.” He looked at me.
“What do you mean? Joonhae hyung?” I asked him in confusion.
“I knew Yoona’s death was not an accident.” He told me as he showed a police badge. Above it was a picture of Yoona smiling.
“How did you know?” I asked him.
“I joined the police and found the autopsy of my parents. They were drugged before the accident happened. I’m working undercover to get close to Shin Kyung and expose him. It’s the only way I can get my revenge.” He said before he kept the badge and pressed the button for the lift to resume its journey.
We were silent for a while. “I missed her so much.” I told him.
“I know…she used to tell me a lot about you and your musical skills. After her death, you didn’t play the violin anymore.” He smiled sadly.
“That was in the past.” I told him.
“Indeed, I saw your performance on tv. It was amazing. I guess SHINee means a lot to you.” He said.
“They do, they’re like my brothers. And I don’t want to lose them.” I told him.
Joonhae only accompanied me to the entrance. He gave me a card with Shin Kyung’s contact number as I made my journey back with a lot to think about in my mind…

Luckily I returned early. Onew and Taemin done their grocery shopping and were helping out with the decoration while Key was busy cooking dinner. So far so good…
I hope Jin Woo will enjoy it…

Half an hour later…

Jin Woo
I glanced at SHINee’s house when I reached home. It was dark…Maybe they went out today as well and haven’t returned. I opened the front door and entered. As I switched on the light, I was slightly confused as to what happened to my house.
“Saengil chukka hamnida…!!!” There was a loud cheer as SHINee appeared from their hiding spots. Jonghyun had even brought Roo along. They’ve caught me by surprise.
“Aww…guys…thank you.” I hugged them one by one.
“Before we do anything, let’s have dinner first.” Key said as we went to the dining table.
“Key, we still have a cake in the fridge.” Minho said.
“Are you trying to stuff us?” Jonghyun asked.
“All the better for me to eat all of you….” Key replied as he gave his best witchy laugh. We all had an enjoyable dinner before moving on to the main event.
I was sitting by the living room table as they brought out the cake. It was a chocolate cake with roses decorated all over.
“Happy 20th birthday Jin Woo hyung.” They all wished me as I made my wish and blew the candle.
“When you first introduced yourself, I thought you were 19 this year.” Onew said.
“That is, until I found your details in the student records.” Key added.
“Jin Woo hyung, hurry and open up your presents.” Taemin said excitedly.
“Alright then…” I turned around and saw six presents nearby. “There’s only five of you…why are there 6 presents?” I asked curiously.
“That’s from Mingeul hyung and Yu Hee noona.” Minho replied.
One by one I opened each of the presents. Mingeul and Yu Hee’s is a bottle of cologne. Key’s is a keychain. Minho’s is a belt. Taemin’s is a wallet. Onew’s is a watch. Jonghyun’s is a simple necklace with a Scorpio pendant and a locket. Inside the locket was one of the pictures that we took together during our trip to the theme park.
“Thanks guys.” I smiled as I looked at them.
“Hmm…something doesn’t feel complete…” Onew said. Everyone looked at him….Then looked back at the cake and presents.
“You’re right…” Taemin said.
“There’re the roses on the cake…” Key said.
“Mingeul hyung and Yu Hee noona gave the cologne as present…” Minho said.
“The kiss…” Jonghyun concluded. The others looked at him.
“What?” He asked. Only then he realised. “Me!?”
“Well…We all know you’re the closest to Jin Woo hyung…” Key said.
“So, you should give the kiss.” Minho ended.
I blushed immediately. “You…you mean a real one?” I stuttered.
“That…” Taemin started.
“Depends on both of you…” Onew ended.
“Appa…Give omma a kiss…!!” Minho shouted.
Even Jonghyun blushed. But he did it as well…

Well, I guess there’s no backing out now. I went and held Jin Woo by the chin.
“Baby, happy 20th birthday…” I said to Jin Woo in my most seductive voice.
“Oh, honey…” He pretended to be shy.
“Your princely kiss…” I said to him as I kissed on his forehead.
“Now hold that pose for 5 seconds.” Key instructed and we followed. There was a camera flash which caught us by surprise as everyone laughed…

Later that night…

Jin Woo
All of us had fun during the party. We packed and cleaned everything before retiring for the night. I looked through the presents again. I looked at the picture in the locket and the image from Shin Kyung’s office in the afternoon came back to me. If I don’t accept his offer, Jonghyun will be the first. If I agree to his offer, the others will be safe and I can help Joonhae as well. I closed my hand around the locket. If that’s the only way left for me…I picked up my phone and dialled the number.
“Hello, I’ve been waiting for you to call…” His voice came over the phone.
“Shin Kyung, I’ll accept your offer. Give me until Christmas after the final semester has ended.” I told him.
“Very well, you have my word.” He said as I hung up. It’s the only thing I can do to help them…
I looked at the picture again as tears started to flow down my face. Remembering all our happy moments and the pain of leaving them behind forever…

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