Saturday, May 14, 2011

Like a Brother - Chapter 2

To Min Lee,
First day of school was fine. I was shown around school by a student who’s apparently one of my neighbour as well. The school has some decent facilities. I’ve enclosed the pictures together as well as the place where I’m staying. How will things go from here? I’m not sure. Just hope that everything will be alright. You guys take care.
Jin Woo Hyung

Jin Woo
I got up earlier today, made my own breakfast and packed lunch before getting ready for school. I took out the violin from my closet and opened the case. The memories of the effort Mom and Dad had put in to buy this for me came instantly. I closed the case and stood to ready myself for school.
As I reached school and placed my bag in class, I immediately headed towards the room that got my attention yesterday, the music room. After settling down, I took out my violin from its case and rested my hands on it. Feeling its surface once more after such a long time.
“Well, at least no one’s around to listen.” I told myself as I held the violin and started to play a tune from my memories. How wrong I was from that moment on.

Our group arrived school as usual. But something doesn’t seem right. It’s so quiet at the school gates.
Key was the first one to noticed. “The crowd. Where’s the crowd?” he wondered.
“No shouting, no crying, no screaming…I wonder what happened.” Taemin added.
“It’s definitely not a holiday for sure.” Onew stated the obvious.
“Come on, let’s see if there’s anyone inside.” I said to the others as we made our way.
After placing our bags, we searched the school for any sign of people. Then we saw a huge crowd outside the music room. There was music coming from there. The sound of violin.
 As we approached, we heard whispers and murmurs from the people. Only one phrase that was heard…“New student”.
“Is that who I think it is?” I looked at Minho who was standing beside me.
“It seems to be him. Who else is the new student here?” He replied.
“Jin Woo.” Onew said his name.
Just then, the first bell rang. Which ended the surprising performance.

Jin Woo
The sound of the first bell broke my concentration. I looked around the room and to my horror, there was already a huge crowd outside the music room. I quickly packed my violin and exited the room. Pushing my way through the crowd as I rushed towards the class.
“Jin Woo…!!!” I heard a familiar voice calling behind me and I froze on the spot.
Oh no! Don’t tell me they heard it too. My face turned red immediately.
“Jin Woo. You’re violin skills were amazing.” Jonghyun complimented.
There’s no use denying now. I turned around to face him. “I haven’t played the violin for a few years.” I admitted.
There was a smile on his face, showing his tiger tooth. “Are you kidding? Even if you didn’t played for a few years, your skills are still great.” He said.
“Thanks.” It was all that I could say.
“Let’s go before we’re late for the lesson.” Onew said as we all headed to our class.


Jin Woo
I’ve found a perfect spot to relax and have my lunch. Under a big tree in the school grounds. On one hand, I’ve got my music book with my pencil and eraser. Continuing on the tune from where I left last. On the other hand, there’s my packed lunch for today, egg and ham sandwich. I hummed, ate and compose all at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking. Just as I was concentrating on the composing part, a shadow appeared above me. I raised my head and saw Minho.
“Hi there, Jin Woo.” Minho greeted me.
“Hi.” I replied. A bit surprised as I didn’t sense him approaching.
“What have you got there?” Jonghyun asked  from behind.
“Oh nothing, something to pass the time away.” I replied nonchalantly.
“Let me have a look…” Jonghyun snatched it away before I can close the book. He flipped through the pages and looked in detail. Then he showed to Minho.
“Onew, Key, Taemin!! Come over for a while.” He shouted for the others as Minho looked through the book as well.
“What is it?” Taemin asked.
“Look at this.” Minho passed the booked for the others to see.
They stopped on one of the pages.
“Think we should try it?” Key asked.
“Why not? That is, if Jin Woo doesn’t mind of course.” Onew said as he looked at me.
“Well, I can’t say no right?” I replied with a smile. Jonghyun’s going to get it from me later.
“Ready guys?” Onew looked at the others who gave a nod.
“1, 2, 3…” Onew said as they started to sing from one of my composed songs.
From that moment, my mind seemed to be blown away by their voice. All this time, no other people can carry the songs I’ve written that well. But what I’m hearing is perfect harmonisation. As though my songs were all the while written for them in mind. Once they stopped, my mouth was wide open.
“Errm, if you continue to gape longer, you’ll get a fly into your mouth.” Jonghyun joked as he passed the book back to me.
“You guys were perfect. No one can sing my songs as good as what you all did.” I said as I stood and took back the book.
“You didn’t have any idea who we are? Do you?” Key asked.
“No.” I answered him. Confused at the question.
“Think carefully…long and carefully.” Taemin said as they all stood together.
Wait…They look really familiar. Something seems to ring in my mind. Those looks…the hairstyles…the crowd yesterday…something I should’ve noticed while working in the music store. Then, a sudden realisation came to my mind. I felt like I’ve been struck by lightning.
“You…You guys are a boyband…SHINee” I stammered.
“Seems like you finally got the idea.” Key replied.
“Well, I really have no idea when I first came here.” I said.
“At least you know now.” Minho replied.
“Mmmm…He’s good at cooking as well. The sandwich taste so good.” Onew said from where he was crouching. Wolfing down a piece of my lunch.
“Hey…go get your own lunch.” I slapped his hand away as he tried to reach for another piece.
“Well, we didn’t had much because there’s nothing appealing in the cafeteria.” Taemin replied.
“Can you cook for us, please?” Jonghyun asked.
“No.” Was my answer.
“Please…” Minho tried as well with his puppy eyes look.
“Please…” Taemin.
“Please…” Onew.
“Though I cook for the others most of the time…at least help me handle these terrible picky people.” Key pleaded.
“No.” I’m still standing firm on my grounds.
They all then turned towards Jonghyun.
“What? I have to do it too?” He asked.
“If you don’t do it, we’ll never get our free meals.” Minho told him with a slight threatening edge in his voice.
“You guys are serious about this. Don’t you?” He asked.
“Yes.” There was a unanimous answer.
“Fine…!! I’ll do it…But nobody is to leak this out or I’ll have their heads.” He warned before approaching me.
I wonder what he’s going to do…

Never in my life have I ever embarrassed myself for this. I hope the others appreciate what I’m about to do. I approached Jin Woo who’s a bit confused, standing in front of him and holding onto his shirt sleeve. I then gave my best puppy eyes look and swing my body left and right.
“Please cook for us…” I feel like I wanted to kill myself on the spot right that moment.
There was a brief moment of silence as everyone held their breath. Then, he laughed so hard he was squatting on the ground as though his stomach is going to split. I felt my face becoming red hot. I’m so going to get the others for this.
“How can you guys do such things and get away with it?” Jin Woo asked as he tried to calm himself down.
“If we wanted something. We’ll try all we can to get it.” Onew said as he and the others tried to hold their laughter.
“Fine…you win…at least Jonghyun got what he deserved for snatching my music book.” Jin Woo smiled at me. So that was for payback.
Just then, the bell rang. Signalling the end of recess.

In the evening…

Jin Woo
I was on the way back from work when I caught faint mewing sounds coming from the alley. Curious, I went to have a look and found a cardboard box with five kittens inside. An orange, white, grey, black and brown. They’re roughly 6 weeks old. Having a soft spot for cats, I immediately fell for them. Luckily I can keep pets where I’m staying. But there’s just one problem…My hands are full with groceries and utensils since I promised to cook for SHINee.
I was in a dilemma…I wanted to bring the kittens home. But at the same time, my hands are full. What should I do?
Just then, a thought came to my mind. I placed down my groceries and fished for my phone from the pocket.

We’ve just got back from a variety show recording when my phone rang. I flipped it open and saw Jin Woo’s name displayed on the screen. “Yes Jin Woo hyung?” Something that we’ve agreed to call him since he’s older than all of us.
“Jonghyun, are you guys still out?” He asked.
“Not really. We’ve just reached home.” I answered him.
“That’s great…I need your help. Bring another person to come along if possible. I’ll cook dinner for you guys later as thanks.” Jin Woo said.
“Alright…where are you now?” I asked. He then gave the location. Luckily it’s not far from here. I hung up and looked at the others.
“Jin Woo hyung need some help. Onew, can you come along?” I asked.
“Sure.” He replied.
“The rest can stay for a while. Jin Woo hyung will cook dinner for us later.” I told the others as I head with Onew to Jin Woo’s location.

A few minutes later…

You’ve got to be kidding me. I stared at the kittens in the box. “You seriously want to keep them?” I asked Jin Woo.
“Well, I always have a soft spot for cats. And they are a cute little bunch. I have to keep them.” He replied with a pleading look in his eyes. I then looked at Onew, who was standing as far away as he can from the box.
“I guess you’re not going to carry the box?” I asked him. Onew shook his head.
“Fine, I’ll carry the box. But you still have to follow us.” I told him.
“Where to?” He asked.
“The vet of course.” I replied while bending down to carry the box.
Luckily the vet is not far from where we are. And it’s still open. We brought the kittens for a checkup and a bit of cleaning. After that, the doctor prescribed some medicines and advised us on what to buy and how to care for them. Jin Woo noted everything down while I called the others at home to buy a few things from the pet shop and explained the whole situation.
Onew paid for the fees and carried the medicine. We then headed towards Jin Woo’s house to meet up with the others.

Jin Woo
I was so grateful that Jonghyun and the others are willing to help me out. Once we reached home, Minho and the others were already waiting outside with some items and supplies they’ve bought from the pet shop. I opened the doors to let them in.
“Thanks guys.” I told them as Jonghyun went to place the box on the floor.
“It’s nothing.” Taemin said.
Key was kneeling beside the box as he looked inside. “They’re just so adorable.”
“We’ll setup the cage and other things. You go and prepare dinner first.” Jonghyun said as they started work.
They take a lot of care in setting up the place for the kittens. I was planning to prepare spaghetti with alfredo and cheese with Onew’s help. Key mixed the specialised milk powder that we got from the vet with water in a feeding dish and placed them in the cage. Taemin was putting on the finishing touches to the cage while Jonghyun and  and Minho transferred the kittens to their new home.
Once ready, I set the pot on the dining table while Onew placed the dishes and cutleries. I went to look at the kittens. The cage was spacious with a litter box placed right beside it. Inside was the feeding dish and a blanket for them to sleep in. A few toys were placed on top of the cage with a small chalkboard hanging.

“So Jin Woo hyung, what are you going to name them?” Minho asked.
“Well…I have the perfect name in mind.” Jin Woo answered as he took the chalkboard and started scribbling. Once revealed, it went like this:
SHINee Kitties Land
Orange = Tiggy
White = Snow
Black = Panther
Grey = Cloud
Brown = Choco
SHINee Kitties. A lame attempt. But the kittens are so cute as they slept after drinking the milk. Everybody then washed their hands and sat around the dining table. Ready for dinner.

Jin Woo
“Thanks for the help guys. Hope you’ll enjoy the dinner.” I told the others as I lifted the cover.
“Mmmmm…smells good.” Taemin said as everyone took their share and ate.
“Taste just as good too.” Key said.
“Thanks for the compliment. I used to cook for my younger brother when my parents worked.” I explained.
“Well, at least it paid off.” Minho complimented.
“You guys really took great care to setup the place for the kittens.” I told them.
“Well, we have Roo in our home. This is just a simple task.” Onew replied.
“Who’s Roo?” I asked out of curiosity.
“Roo is Jonghyun’s puppy. 6 weeks old Daschund.” Taemin answered.
“I didn’t know you have a puppy.” I looked at Jonghyun.
“That’s because you didn’t ask.” He replied.
“You can come and visit when you’re free. I’m sure Roo will love you too.” Key invited.
“Thanks…maybe next time.” I replied.
“Since tomorrow’s a weekend, we can go out shopping.” Jonghyun suggested.
“Shopping?” I asked in confusion.
“You need books on cat care and other things since you got here right?” He asked.
“That’s true.” I answered.
“And we’re free on the weekends as well.” He said.
“But don’t you guys have your schedules?” I asked them.
“Nah. They keep our weekends free since we’re still studying.” Onew replied.
“Then I guess it’s settled.” Key decided.
I wonder how it will go tomorrow…

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