Saturday, May 14, 2011

Like a Brother - Chapter 4

Dear Min Lee,
Shopping was tiring…!!! We’ve spent the whole day buying stuff and end up carrying bags of them home. Not just only that, I had to parade in front of the others the clothes that Minho and Key had chosen for me and also receive a long lecture from Key on personal grooming. T-T But it was quite enlightening anyway.  Attached are pictures of my new look and outfits. Do you like it?


Jin Woo Hyung

Jin Woo
Well, it’s Monday.  I’m seriously nervous on what the other students’ reaction will be with my new look. After feeding the SHINee Kitties, I got ready and left home. SHINee was waiting outside.
“So, shall we make a move?” Jonghyun asked as he smiled at me.
“Guess there’s no escaping this…” I sighed.
“Cheer up Jin Woo hyung, You look better now.” Key assured me.
“Just be confident with yourself.” Minho added. Onew and Taemin nodded in agreement.
“Jin Woo hyung, you’re bringing your violin along?” He asked.
“Yeah, it’s still too early for first bell. Thought I can play a tune or two.” I answered.
“What-is-for-lunch-today?” Onew hummed happily as he looked at the multi-tiered container I’m carrying in the other hand.
“Sushis.” I replied him. “Though I only made the simple ones.” I added. They cheered and high-fived among each other. Guess they’re just as excited with the food I cook every other day since both Key and I decided to take turns.
“We must trade recipes one of these days.” Key told me as he smiled. I nodded in agreement. Key’s cooking is just as good too.
“Kyaa…!!! It’s SHINee…” A girl screamed when we reached the school gate. We were immediately surrounded by a huge crowd. We tried to make our way through towards the class.
“Ahhh…They’re just as cute as ever…!!!” Another shouted.
“Wait…who’s the guy that’s with them?” One of the girls asked. Here we go…
“Why is he so close with our SHINee?” Another asked. Jealousy?
“What makes him so special?” Another added.
I knew this would happen.
“Whatever…He’s just as cute as them.” One of the girls said.
“That’s true…No qualms on that.” Another agreed.
Somehow I seem to get mixed comments from the girls.
“Wait…what’s that in his hand?” One of the girls asked.
“Looks like a violin.” Another answered.
“It can’t be…!! Could it be the new guy?” One girl said in amazement. The news seemed to spread like fire.
Jonghyun turned towards the crowd. Guess he can’t take it anymore.
“If you’re still wondering. He’s Jin Woo hyung.” He addressed the crowd.
“Please take good care of our hyung.” Minho added. Instantly the crowd screamed.
“Anything for SHINee and Jin Woo…!!” One of the girls shouted.
I immediately blushed. Now I’m starting to have my own fan base. The others just smiled as we went to the class to place our things.
“Better get used to it.” Jonghyun said to me.
“I want to hear your violin skills in person.” Onew requested.
“Yeah, we didn’t get to hear the whole song last time.” Taemin added.
“If you guys insist.” I said as we headed towards the music room.
“Of course!!” Came a unanimous reply.
Just then, we passed by a bulletin board and Onew stopped.
“Hey guys, look at this.” He said as we went closer.
“The School Festival…and it’ll be held in 4 months time.” Key said.
“Think we should perform?” Taemin asked enthusiastically.
“We’ll need to inform our manager on this first before making any decisions.” Jonghyun said.
“Interested to follow us after school today?” Minho asked me.
“Where to?” I asked him.
“The recording studio of course.” He smiled.
That came as a surprise. I didn’t know how to respond.
“I guess silence means agreement.” Jonghyun smiled.
“W..wait..!! What about my job?” I asked them.
“I think we better pay your employer a visit first.” Onew decided.
“B…But…” I wanted to reject the invitation.
“No buts…You’re coming with us and that’s that.” Key said.
“Besides, the songs you composed are definitely worth the appraisal from our studio crew.” Taemin added.
“Please come with us….” They all pleaded. Somehow I knew all my attempts will be futile.
“Fine…” I gave in.
“Great…!! Now let’s hear your violin…” Onew smiled as we continued towards the music room.

After school…

Jin Woo
As promised, SHINee followed me to my employer. At first he was stunned with SHINee’s presence. After a while, I explained to him the whole situation inside the staff room.
“It’s ok Jin Woo. Since you have such good talents in music, you shouldn’t let it go to waste.” He smiled at me.
“Thank you sir.” I bowed to him in respect.
“No need to thank me. You have been such a great help. Even if you work only part-time.” He said as we came out from the staff room.
At the store entrance, he patted my shoulder. “I wish you all the best. Maybe someday we’ll be selling your albums here as well.” He smiled at me.
“Thank you so much.” I bowed again before leaving with SHINee.

At the recording studio…

We explained to Mingeul the whole situation. While he listened. “So, he’s the friend that you all have been talking about?” He asked.
“Yes, Mingeul hyung.” Onew replied.
“Well then, I don’t see any problem if he wants to join us.” Mingeul replied with a smile.
“And you really want to perform in the School Festival?” He asked.
“Yes, we do.” Taemin answered.
“I’ll consider on that first.” He replied. “Well then. Let’s meet your friend.” He added.
I hope things will get better from here.

Jin Woo
I was very nervous while SHINee discussed with their manager about the School Festival. I just can’t stop fidgeting in my seat. After a while, their manager came over towards me.
“Jin Woo right? I’m SHINee’s manager.” He introduced himself while I stood and bowed.
“I understand that you are their friend, and also talented with music.” He said to me.
“Yes Sir.” I replied him.
“No need to call me Sir. Just Mingeul hyung will do.” He told me casually.
“Alright boys. Resume your practice. I’ll show Jin Woo around personally.” He told SHINee went into the studio.
Mingeul then showed me around the studio, introducing everyone to me. Then we went to meet the songwriter.
“Ah, meet Yu Hee. She’s the person behind the creation of SHINee’s songs.” Mingeul introduced.
“You must be Jin Woo. The boys have told me a lot about you.” Yu Hee greeted.
“Nice to meet you Miss.” I bowed.
“Please, call me Yu Hee noona.” She smiled at me.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone for now.” Mingeul left the room.
“They said the songs you compose are good.” Yu Hee said as we sat on a couch.
“Well, I can’t say it’s good. They just sang it well.” I replied humbly.
“That’s true. A songwriter must know the strengths and weaknesses of each singer and compose the best possible song for them.” Yu Hee explained. “May I have a look at your creations?” She asked.
“Sure.” I opened my violin case and passed her the music book. She looked through and hummed some parts of my songs.
Once done, she passed the book back to me. “I must say, you really have talent in music.” She complimented.
“Thanks. My parents used to work as singers in a night club while I was growing up.” I told her.
“I see you play the violin as well.” She said.
“I’ve just started playing after a few years.” I replied.
“Doesn’t matter. As long as you have the passion in music. I think you can do very well in future.” She said and got up.
“I’m sure you didn’t see the boys practiced before. Let’s go there together.” Yu Hee said as she opened the door. I followed behind her to the recording room.
“Well, Jin Woo. You’re just in time.” Mingeul greeted when we entered.
This is the first time I see SHINee practicing their song. From their face, I can see that they put all of their emotions into each song. Their voice was in sync with each other. Just like the time when they sang a part of the song from my music book.
“Now you know why they became famous.” Yu Hee told me as we watched. I was amazed by them.
“How would you like to work as a composer? You’ll be under my care as an internship.” Yu Hee asked. I was caught off guard by the request.
“This is a great honour for me, but I don’t think I can accept it.” I told her.
“It’s a waste if you don’t. You have such good talents.” She said.
“Jin Woo, you should take this chance. Not everyone is offered such internship. Especially under Yu Hee.” Mingeul said.
“Oh, Mingeul. You don’t have to be that exaggerating.” Yu Hee laughed.
I gave a lot of thought on this.
“You have nothing to lose. And you’ll earn your salary as well.” Mingeul offered.
“Alright then, I accept.” I told them.
“That’s great.” Mingeul smiled.
“One more thing…” Yu Hee whispered something. Mingeul looked at me for a while and nodded. I wonder what Yu Hee told him.
Once they’re done. SHINee came out from the recording room. “So, Jin Woo hyung. What do you think about our place?” Jonghyun asked.
“It’s great Jonghyun. The staff here are so nice.” I told him.
“Glad you like it.” He smiled.
“Jin Woo, would you mind playing a tune with your violin?” Mingeul asked.
“What?” I was caught off guard by the request.
“Come on Jin Woo hyung. Play a tune for us.” Minho asked.
“Okay…” I agreed and went into the recording room. I took out the violin and calmed myself. After that, I started playing a tune from my music book.

When Jin Woo played his violin, it was as though he’s in another world. Yet his music seemed to convey the feelings to those who listened. Haunting and full of sorrow. I couldn’t believe such a song was composed by a 19 year old guy.
But, something doesn’t feel right. Though his eyes were closed, his face seemed to look so sad. Was it that the song relates to something that happened to him in the past? Or was he just feeling the emotions that the music was supposed to convey? I didn’t want to jump into any conclusions for that as we continued to listen. Somehow I felt like wanting to find out what happened to him in the past…

Jin Woo
I didn’t know why I chose this song. Playing it just brings back the dark memories. It brought back my hate towards Shin Kyung Enterprise. The person that I loathe the most for causing all the pains in my family. Though they didn’t show it, but I can see what the incident has done to my parents. Sometimes I can hear my mom trying to calm my dad late at night.
After realising where I was, I quickly shook the thought out of my head as I packed and left the room. “So, how was it?” I asked everyone.
“That was awesome…!!” Jonghyun said.
“I have to say, your performance was tremendous.” Mingeul agreed.
“Speaking of which…” He looked at SHINee. “About the School Festival, it’s alright for you guys to perform. We’ll just rearrange the schedules to accommodate the event and practice.” He told them.
“Great…!!!” They cheered. “We were planning to make it a collaboration.” Jonghyun said as he placed his arm around my shoulder.
“Me?” I asked in surprise.
“Who else is there other than you?” Jonghyun replied with a smile.
“I think it’s a great idea as well…We could one of the songs from Jin Woo’s collection…An upbeat tune…I believe the title was ‘Youthful’.” Yu Hee suggested recalling one of the songs from my book.
“I’m looking forward to that.” Mingeul smiled.
“One more thing…” Yu Hee said as SHINee looked at her. “Jin Woo will be working as my intern starting tomorrow.” She smiled.
I turned and bowed to SHINee. “Please take good care of me.” I told them.
“The same goes for us.” They bowed back. We couldn’t help laughing as they came and congratulated me.

In the evening…

Jin Woo
Mingeul dropped us outside our house before leaving. I turned around to look at SHINee. “Thanks for everything today.” I smiled at them.
“You deserve the best. After all that you’ve done for us.” Jonghyun said. “Besides, you’ve got talent too.” He added.
“See you guys tomorrow then.” I bade them farewell as I entered my home.
Now I’m looking forward to our performance during the School Festival…

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to their performance during the school festival as well. ^^
