Saturday, May 14, 2011

Like a Brother - Chapter 5

Dear Min Lee,

I’ll be performing with SHINee during the School Festival. But first, there’s the mid-term exams. Because of that, I won’t be able to send mails to you for a while. I’ve also joined SHINee’s company as a composer intern. Attached are pictures of my new workplace and colleagues. I’ll do my best so that I won’t disappoint them. Wish me luck.


Jin Woo Hyung

Jin Woo
It’s another weekend morning. And the mid-term exam is three weeks away. After that, only 1 month left to practice for the School Festival. I’ve spent nights trying to come up with study plans and notes. Luckily I’ve asked Jonghyun to buy the stationeries I need when we went shopping last time. I went through the notes and practice questions once more before I packed.
Once done, I called Key to see if he’s awake.
“Ah, Jin Woo hyung. Perfect timing.” Key said as he answered my call.
“Are the others awake yet?” I asked him.
“Not yet, you can come over now. I’ll open the door for you. We can prepare breakfast together.” Key said.
“That sounds great. See you in five minutes.” I told Key before I hung up. I checked all the necessary items again. Whiteboard stand, summary charts, practice questions…Everything’s ready. I carried the things down and took some time to feed the SHINee Kitties. They’re growing bigger now and I think it’s time to train them. At least I’ve already kitty-proofed my house based on the advise in the cat care books Jonghyun have bought for me. So no worries on that. Then it dawned on me…this will be the first time I’m meeting his pet Daschund, Roo. I wonder how she looks like.
Key was already by the front door when I’ve arrived. He helped carried some of the items and placed them in the living room. Just then, I felt something brushing my feet and looked down. A black and brown Daschund puppy was looking up at me. Its tail wagging happily.
“You must be Roo. I’m Jin Woo…” I crouched down to pet the puppy. It licked all over my hands.
“I see she has started to like you.” Key smiled as he placed the items I’ve brought.
“I hope she can be friends with the SHINee Kitties.” I said to him.
“We’ll just have to take things slowly for that.” Key replied.
“So, what are we having for breakfast?” I asked him while I washed my hands.
“Ham, eggs, sausages, baked beans and toast.” Key replied.
“Sounds good.” I said to him while we put on aprons.
It took us roughly 15 to 20 minutes to prepare the food. We’ve set up the dining table and removed the aprons.
“Now then, here comes the fun part…” Key said as he told me the plans to wake the others…

In the room…

Jin Woo
“Remember the plan…” Key reminded. I was to wake up Minho and Jonghyun while Key wakes Onew and Taemin. I nodded in reply.
“1…2…3…” Key gave the signal. We pinched the others’ noses and held. Moments later, they immediately woke up and were gasping for air.
“Good morning…” Key and I smiled.
“Why are you here?” Jonghyun was the first one to ask.
“You forgot what we’re supposed to do today?” I asked him back.
“Errm….” He was scratching his head.
“Oh…right…the exam studies…” Taemin realised.
“Yeah…I knew that…I was about to say it.” Jonghyun nodded.
“Go and freshen up yourselves first. Then only you can have your breakfast.” Key instructed as we got up.
“Breakfast….!!” They tried to barge through the door where Key and I were standing as we held them back.
“Go and clean yourselves up first.” I told them.
“You and what army?” Jonghyun smirked as they looked at us.
“There’s 4 of us and only 2 of you. We’ll definitely own you guys for sure.” Minho added as Onew and Taemin nodded. Key and I gave them the cross-us-and-you’ll-never-see-the-daylights-of-tomorrow-again look. They immediately put up a white flag and headed to the bathroom. Key and I can’t help laughing as we headed downstairs.

Study time…

Jin Woo
Everyone seated around the living room table on the floor. Trying out the practice questions and discussing the summary charts on the whiteboard stand. Being his typical self, Jonghyun fall asleep almost all the time. Making him the easy target for my constant poking attacks from the side and Onew’s ‘Ttakbam’ attacks. There’s even a red mark on his forehead.
Jonghyun was again distracted when Roo came over. “Roo…You know the sufferings your appa has to go through for this?” He petted her and smiled.
“Roo…come over here…” I called her as I patted my leg.
“No Roo…Don’t leave appa…That appa is bad…very bad…” Jonghyun tried to stop her.
Roo left Jonghyun’s side and came over. She rested her head on my leg as I patted her head. “Seems like she wants the best for you after all.” I smirked at him.
“Roo…!! You betrayed me…!!” There was a hurtful look on Jonghyun’s face. I feel kind of pity for him. I patted on his head.
“There, there Jonghyun. Roo will be my hostage for now until this study session is over and you’ve answered the questions correctly.” I told him.

No…!! Even Roo has betrayed me and now she’s being held hostage by Jin Woo. And I’ve got so much more to go. This is utter human torture.
“This is not fair.” I whined.
Jin Woo held my chin as he looked at me. “Jonghyun, in love and in war, everything is fair.” He smiled devilishly. I’m scared by his expression and immediately turned my attention on the mountain of study work left to do. Crying in my heart.

Jin Woo
Poor Jonghyun…Maybe I’ve gone a bit too far. But at least it motivates him to study. We stopped for a bit when it was near lunch time as Key and I started to work in the kitchen. The others are having a rest with Jonghyun being especially happy while playing with Roo.

Finally, a break from the tortures. And Roo’s back by my side.
“Did you miss me?” I played a bit with Roo.
“Enjoy it while it lasts, Jonghyun…” Jin Woo said from the kitchen. An evil laughter followed after that. That kind of makes me worried of what to come. Just then, there was a pat on my shoulder and I looked at Onew.
“You’re a good guy…We will miss you for life.” He looked at me solemnly.
“We’ll take good care of Roo for you…” Taemin added.
I’ll get you guys for this once it’s over.

Jin Woo
“You’re so mean.” Key said as we made lunch.
“I can’t help it. Jonghyun kept falling asleep, he’s practically asking to be bullied.” I laughed.
“Well, I guess he does deserve it.” Key agreed with a grin.
We set up the table and served lunch. One of the only time everyone get to relax from studying.
“You know, once the exam is over, we’ve only got 1 more month to practice for School Fetival.” Onew said.
“We need to prepare our classroom as well. They’re planning to turn it into a café.  They even got the uniforms for waiters and waitresses.” Key added.
“I guess we could skip the workload first since we need to come up with a performance routine.” Jonghyun suggested.
“Then we’ll need to make sure to come up with an amazing performance to make up for it.” Minho added.
“At least we’ve done the recording beforehand.” Taemin said cheerfully.
“So it’s just only the rehearsals left. But first, we must do well in the exams.” I told the others.
We all had lunch while discussing other things.

After lunch…

I’m back to being tortured, Roo is being held hostage again by Jin Woo and I’ve still got notes and questions to go through before the day is over. When will I be able to finish this?

Jin Woo
A sigh came from Jonghyun every once in a while. I guess it’s pretty tough for him. Every time he looks at Roo, it’s like as though he wanted to say. “Don’t worry, appa will save you.” Poor guy.
By evening, everyone else have covered what they needed. Only Jonghyun left still struggling.  I helped him out by suggesting certain points and methods to answer each individual question. By the time he’s done, dinner was ready.
Another day just gone by on studying. There’ll be more to be done tomorrow. But first, I need to come up with the plan to help Jonghyun after today. Hopefully it’ll work…

After mid-term exams…

Jin Woo
It’s two weeks after the exam. Everyone is anxious to know about the results. I know we’ve already prepared for it really well. Especially Jonghyun after I’ve implemented the study plan that I’ve worked out for him. The good news, everyone passed.
“Congratulations, Jonghyun.” I smiled at him.
“It’s because I’m awesome.” He gave the biggest grin ever.
“Oh, really?” I gave him a questioning look.
“Of course, Jin Woo hyung’s plan helped me out a lot.” He corrected himself as I laughed.

Another two more weeks to the School Festival. I wonder how it will turn out…

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